NLP Advance Program & NLP Master Life Coach
Dual Certification Program

NLP is all about tapping into our inner resources like creativity, intelligence, courage, etc., developing faith in our capabilities, and programming our minds for excellence and achievement.
NLP is all about working with our thoughts, developing multiple perspectives, and bringing change from the inside out.
NLP Advanced Master Practitioner and Master Life Coach Dual Certification is all about learning advanced skills, tools, and techniques to influence Oneself and others. Change is not a one-time project. Evolving to our finest Self is a lifelong quest. Embracing challenges and limitations and transforming them as an opportunity for self-transformation is key to reaching our higher Self.
NLP Advance is all about mastering advanced skills to go beyond what is possible and stretch our capacity to scale new heights.
A computer program is written by humans. Who writes human behavioral, thought and emotional programs. Life does. Experience does. Consciously or unconsciously, we create our own programs. Machines cannot re-write their programs, but human beings can.
Most people are not aware of the programs within them that run their lives. They don’t realize that they have the power to re-write the program if they are unhappy with their own behavior or life situation.
The program supports a person who is keen on self-improvement and personal change, wants to build rapport with others, understand people at a deeper level, and aims to evolve to their finest Self. The program aims to help participants understand human behavior’s roots and learn the keys to Subconscious mind programming and Core Transformation.

NLP Advance goes beyond tools and techniques and helps one understand the underlying structure of human experience. The program leads participants to move beyond parts integration, will-power, and positive thinking into experiencing alignment with the deepest Self.
The key to deep fulfillment is finding balance and at the same time stepping out of our comfort zone continuously to explore new peaks. And that is the aim of this workshop: Exploration and self-discovery.
From understanding advanced submodalities, configuring outcomes on the timeline, and organizing memories towards self-actualization, the whole workshop can be described as a fantastic journey into the human mind. It’s an amazing journey into the mind’s many secret chambers to discover the treasures hidden within us.
Program Syllabus:
Advance Submodalities – The brilliant and effective methodology to free yourself of hurt, pain, and toxic emotions of the past.
- Submodality Distinctions
- Submodality Interventions
- Move through areas in your life where you are stuck or feeling unresourceful with the help of ‘Mapping across with NLP Submodalities Exercise’.
- Let go of embarrassing, painful or humiliating experiences through ‘Looking back and Laughing Submodalities Exercise’.
Changing Timelines – The secret to ‘lock in’ goals and turning dreams into reality.
- Overcome the confusion and difficulties in planning for the future. Let go of the muddle in the head due to lack of goals and direction.
- Learn the NLP technique to program your Future by Changing Timelines and discover the secret of self-motivation and self-actualization.
- Let go of your preoccupation with the past or not learning from the past. Learn the art of ‘lock in’ the change in the timeline, thereby accelerating the speed at which you move towards your goals and destination.
Meta – Programs – Understanding the dynamics of the Mind and Decision-Making Process.
- Meta-Programs Elicitation: In NLP, Meta-programs are the keys to how you process information and make sense of the world.
- It is through ‘Meta-Programs’ that you weave your subjective experience. In other words, Meta – Programs are the mental processes that manage, guide, and direct other mental processes.
- Decision Strategy ‘Meta – Program’ discovery exercise.
- Motivation Strategy ‘Meta – Program’ discovery exercise
- Convincer Strategy Meta – ‘Program discovery’ exercise
Advance Anchoring & Designer Swish – Take Charge of internal states and learn the art of changing habits.
- Sliding Anchors
- Stacking Anchors
- Collapsing Anchors
- Visual Squash – Move beyond ‘Either-Or’ dilemas and resolve Internal Conflicts.
- Designer Swish Techniques – Design a custom designed Swish Pattern based on Clients Needs.
Reframing & Negotiating – Overcoming Inner confusion, conflicts and brining deep behavioural change
- Pacing Incongruence – Sequentially Exercise
- Pacing Incongruence – Simultaneously Exercise
- Eliciting & Sorting Polarities Exercise
- Parts Integration – To resolve internal conflicts and to bring harmony between ‘Parts’ of the unconscious Mind.
- The Conditional Close Exercise
- Finding an Agreement Frame Exercise
- Six Step Reframing Exercise – a gentile yet powerful technique to bring habit or behavioural change at the Subconscious Level.
The Power of Self Identity and ‘Core Transformation’ Technique
- Discovering your self-Identity
- Process Elements of Self – Identity
- Confusion to Understanding.
- Exploring the Subconscious readiness for Self-Transformation
- Deep Inner’ Core Transformation’ Exercise
Mastering Coaching Skills
- The Coaching Assessment Wheel
- Intention Vs Meaning – They keys to supportive communication for Coaches.
- Embracing Polarities
- Power of Metaphors and Engaging the Right Brain
- Agenda Vs Hidden Agenda
- Challenging Paradigms and Seeking Strategic Clarity
- NLP Coaching Approach and Key Coaching Skills