Creativity & Innovation Experiential Workshop
Two Day Experiential Workshop
Dates: May 11th and 12th, 2019.
Time: 10.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m
Rs 16,000/- plus 18% service Tax
Venue: Hilton Hotel, Guindy, Chennai.
Faculty: Manoj Keshav
To register please contact : K. Santosh Kumari : 95000 46199 | Manoj Keshav : 98405 15832
For Enquiry
Innovation Solves problems. Innovation drives Success. Innovation brings prosperity
Creativity isn’t some exotic power that is given to just few people. Creativity is a natural function of human intelligence that sets us apart from all other forms of life. Creativity is about creation. It’s about harnessing the power of the mind to conceive new ideas, products plans, new solutions or art. It is the greatest gift that we have.
Creativity is the ability to see new opportunities, to produce original ideas, to flexibly adapt to changing situations, and to apply one’s imagination to solve complex problems.
Innovation is about taking newly created ideas and developing them into something useful and practical. In many ways, innovation is the process of converting theory into action. Innovation is Idea + Execution. In other words, Innovation is the ability to convert ideas into invoices.
Peter Drucker said, “Every Organization must prepare for the abandonment of everything it does.” This statement is not restricted to just products that an organization makes. Letting go includes processes, methods, business model, route to market, or marketing method and so on.
John F Kennedy said, “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future”. To survive, to change, to prosper, to excel and to create a better future, Innovation is the key.
A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip or a frown on the right man’s brow. Turning an idea to a product or service with commercial value takes some nurturing.
Creativity and Innovation workshop equips participants with necessary knowledge, Skills and Attitude needed to succeed and excel as Innovators.
Building up Innovation Capability
Innovation Capability is built by creating an Innovation blueprint and detailing the types of innovation you are pursuing, along with goals and guidelines for getting there.
To become an innovation led person or organization, an Innovation Vision, Strategy and Goals needs to be set in place.
- Innovation Vision, Strategy and Goals
- Dropping ‘Rigid Mind-set’ and creating an ‘Innovative Mind-Set’.
- Removing Mind barriers to Innovation Initiatives.
- Developing open new possibility mindset and Innovation Spirit
- A detailed road map to achieving Innovation Vision and Goals.
Creativity & Innovation Framework
Nurturing Creativity & Generating New Ideas
Creativity is what propels us forward as a species – it expands our worlds and brings us new ideas, inventions and discoveries.
Our lives can be filled with creative moments, in whatever we do, as long as we’re flexible and open to new possibilities – willing to push beyond routine.
The everyday expression often takes the form of trying out a new approach to a familiar dilemma.
At the core, creativity is the ability to look at problems from different angles, to connect and combine concepts, and the ability to challenge traditional assumptions. Ideas are the currency of life. Rather than money, ideas are what make a professional of any arena stand out in the crowd.
- Key insights into the science of creativity: explore how the brain works and understand common obstacles to creative thinking
- Discover how to find inspiration in the world around you.
- Get over creative blocks and the fear of failure.
- Develop the mindset, skillsets, and toolsets of highly creative people in business, arts and science.
- Discover your natural capacity for creativity through a range of hands on activities that will appeal to both sides of your brain.
- Learn creative techniques you can apply immediately to your work, to help you innovate more effectively.
- Improve Thinking Skills and overcome cognitive biases
- Going beyond brainstorming with Advanced Creative Thinking Techniques.
Foreseeing Innovation Opportunities
The question is, how far can we look into the future and with what certainty? The answer is in the old adage: ‘luck favours the prepared mind’.
The more we can proactively prepare for change, the more the possibility of creating an all new future. The further we can look into the future, the higher the chances that we can take on that future.
- Foreseeing future needs & Perceptions.
- Recognizing Business or Industry Trends
- Uncovering gaps or unmet needs and discovering opportunities.
- Using Possibility Thinking and Scenario Planning Tool to break new grounds.
Innovating Best Ideas
Instead of chasing every idea that comes to our mind, selecting and executing on few select best ideas and commercializing the same is key to success. Because of their nature, innovation projects require a different set of management skills than other projects.
Innovation projects may start with loosely defined objectives that become clearer as the project proceeds. The process used are more experimental and exploratory and seldom follow strict linear guidelines.
- Transforming ideas into innovation
- Assessing Impact and developing prototype
- Viability Testing: Firing Bullets before cannon balls.
- Ecology Check through multiple perspectives.
- Optimizing the new Innovation before commercializing
Commercializing New Innovation
Many innovations fail after launching. Without a thoughtfully crafted commercialization plan, you risk making costly mistakes that will alienate customers. And today dissatisfaction spreads far and wide due to social media.
Many inventors or original thinkers don’t understand how to jump the gap from ideas to actually selling them. This is called the ‘commercial conundrum’ – the idea for a new product or technology looks good in the lab or the shop but nobody can sell it.
Ultimately, the goal of any innovation strategy, or ideation is to develop sustainable and profitable business growth. Once an idea is incubated, it needs to be developed, prototyped, and commercially presented.
- Determining Revenue Potential
- Budgeting for Initial and Ongoing Costs and Resources.
- Identifying and Managing Internal and External Risks.
- Outlining the specific tasks for Go-to-market Plan
- Charting out a launch Strategy
Key Takeaways
Unique LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Training Methodology
The Lego® Serious Play® methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and performance.
Based on research which shows that this kind of hands on, minds on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue for everyone in the team.
The unique experiential training program powered by LEGO® Serious Play® creates an atmosphere that is highly engaging, interactive as well as challenging.
Learning by doing, exploration, Reflection, Conceptualision and knowledge integration are the pedagogical tools that are specially incorporated for impact, change and real world application.